Stephanie Pollack, LCSW
Hi! My name is Stephanie and I have worked at AP for 5 years. Prior to that, I participated in the Alzheimer’s Project internship. When I began as a MSW intern in 2012, I realized that this line of work was my calling. Since then, I have gained a true passion for working with the families that we serve. I love providing strength and comfort to both the person living with the disease and their caregivers as well.

What I Do
My current title is Clinical Supervisor and I wear many hats. Similar to all of our staff, I have a case load of families for which I provide case management services. This is where I determine what services would be best for each family and link them with resources. In addition to managing my cases, I also oversee the clinical staff and conduct team meetings.
A few of my other responsibilities include leading educational courses and planning two of our caregiver events. I provide education and training in the community while overseeing Dealing with Dementia and Powerful Tools for Caregivers class series. This position has also had its challenges and I’ve learned new things like event planning. I am proud to have successfully planned the annual Alzheimer’s Disease Education & Training Conference as well as our Caregiver Celebration Day. Last but not least, I also facilitate two rural support groups in Taylor and Jefferson county.
Alzheimer’s in My Life
My grandfather has Alzheimer’s disease and I understand what many of our caregivers face on a personal level. I have seen how difficult it is not only on the person with the disease, but on the whole family. Many of my close friends and family have known someone with dementia and have been affected by its overarching reach.
My favorite part of this job is getting to work with the families. They are going through a very personal and vulnerable time in their lives. It’s comforting to know that I am, in some way, doing my part to make their lives a little better. Most caregivers come in not knowing where to start and what step to take next. Seeing hope in their eyes when they realize they are not alone is something I’m very thankful to experience. I truly love my job!
The annual Alzheimer’s Project Forget-Me-Not Walk and Cliff Hinkle Round to Remember are just around the corner. Register now and start sharing your page with family and friends to spread the word!